Karolina shares her journey of suffering from debilitating migraines and depression, which started after she was prescribed birth control at the age of 22. She experienced up to 30 migraines a month, with extreme light sensitivity where even minimal light through curtains could trigger a migraine. Her struggles eventually led her to try different treatments, including CGRP monoclonal antibodies, which provided some relief but also caused severe side effects such as trigeminal nerve pain and further light sensitivity.
Karolina later transitioned to a carnivore diet, which significantly improved her condition. She reports that her energy levels increased, her anemia and vitamin deficiencies disappeared, and her depression lifted. The carnivore diet, particularly the lion diet (which is an even stricter version of the carnivore diet), brought her relief from many of her health problems. However, Karolina still deals with residual nerve pain and light sensitivity, though she finds wearing special glasses helps her manage her condition in public settings.
Despite her ongoing struggles, Karolina’s overall health has improved, and she shares that her hemoglobin levels have normalized after dealing with severe hemolytic anemia. While she still cannot fully function in normal settings like offices or cinemas, her life has improved dramatically since embracing the carnivore diet. Her journey into using social media to share her story has garnered significant attention, with both positive support and negative reactions, especially on platforms like TikTok, where she posts in Polish.
Karolina also discusses the challenges of being transparent about her recovery, noting that some people mistakenly blame the carnivore diet for her remaining health issues. She stresses that the side effects were due to her prior medications, not her diet. Dr. Chaffee and Karolina reflect on the importance of advocating for oneself in medical care and discuss the stigmas associated with unconventional treatments like the carnivore diet.
The conversation also touches on broader medical topics, including the experiences Dr. Chaffee has encountered in his own practice with patients and how both Karolina and Dr. Chaffee emphasize the importance of giving the body a chance to heal naturally. The interview concludes with Karolina expressing her motivation to share her story to help others and to demystify the carnivore diet for a broader audience, particularly in Poland.