Lynn Divoky, who shares her transformative health journey, highlighting the impact of the carnivore diet on her life. Lynn endured 35 years of mysterious and debilitating symptoms, including heat and exercise intolerance, chronic fatigue, severe anxiety, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and panic attacks. These challenges led to a mental breakdown in her 30s and eventually to disability in her 50s. Despite numerous medical consultations, a proper diagnosis of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) came only after decades of suffering.
Lynn explains how her symptoms worsened with time, including heart palpitations, throat swelling, flushing, severe rosacea, and gastrointestinal issues, among others. Standard treatments and antihistamines provided temporary relief but failed to address the root causes. She recounts her frustration with medical professionals who often dismissed her symptoms, attributing them to menopause or psychological stress. Even after receiving a diagnosis of MCAS, traditional medical approaches offered little improvement in her quality of life.
In May 2023, encouraged by her husband and inspired by others’ success stories, Lynn committed to the carnivore diet. Initially skeptical, she later adopted the stricter Lion Diet, eliminating foods high in histamines, including bacon, eggs, and aged cheeses. This dietary shift led to dramatic improvements in her health, including the resolution of rosacea, gut pain, throat swelling, and her dependence on numerous medications. Lynn also experienced significant weight loss, regaining functionality in her daily life and the ability to engage in activities she had long avoided.
Beyond her personal recovery, Lynn emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about MCAS and histamine intolerance. She created a YouTube channel, “Midlife Carnivore,” to share her journey and provide educational resources. Her insights into low-histamine carnivore diets have helped many others address similar unexplained health issues. Lynn advocates for considering dietary changes as a potential solution for those with persistent, undiagnosed symptoms.
Dr. Chaffee concludes by commending Lynn’s courage and dedication to sharing her story. They discuss the broader implications of dietary interventions in healthcare, particularly for conditions like MCAS that are often misunderstood or misdiagnosed. Lynn also highlights her work in the carnivore community, including writing children’s books promoting proper nutrition, furthering her mission to help others reclaim their health and lives.